Hatcher confronts the remaining members of the Jamaican Posse and displays Screwface's severed head to scare them into leaving his neighborhood.
Before he can kill him, Hatcher breaks free and overpowers a sword-wielding Screwface, grabbing his weapon and using it to slice the drug lord's genitals before decapitating him. After locating the mansion, Hatcher kills many of Screwface's men but is eventually captured by Screwface. While in Jamaica, a woman acquainted with Screwface gives Hatcher a clue about the kingpin's power: he has two heads and four eyes. After nearly being killed by Screwface with a Molotov Cocktail, Screwface returns to his mansion in Jamaica and Hatcher secretly tracks him with some of his accomplices. Later, Hatcher discovers that the Jamaican Posse would flee if Screwface were to die, since he is widely believed to possess magical powers.

Hatcher becomes determined to kill Screwface and begins fighting back against the Jamaican Posse, leading him to be marked for death by Screwface himself. After Hatcher arrests one of Screwface's men, he and his gang take revenge by firing upon Hatcher's house and seriously injuring Hatcher's niece, Tracey. After retired DEA agent John Hatcher returns to his family's neighborhood, he finds that Screwface's gang have taken over his territory. Screwface is a drug kingpin and the leader of a Jamaican "posse" (organized gang). He almost always carries a sword concealed inside a shaman staff. Terrifying shamanistic magic rituals are his preferred method of executing his enemies. As a result, his posse members are so scared of him they would rather fight to the death or kill themselves than face his unearthly wrath. In fact, he is actually a set of twin brothers posing as one man.

People believe that he can physically exist in several places at once, and thus is always watching everyone. Screwface purports to have godlike shamanistic powers, which he uses to strike fear in the hearts of his men as well as his enemies. He also has an explosive temper and is not above beating or killing his own men for their failures. He gets his name from his monstrous, animal-like facial expressions.

Screwface carries himself in a majestic, almost unearthly manner, and speaks to his men in frightening sermons whether encouraging or reprimanding them.